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- Love in the time of Coronavirus
It’s Wednesday evening – 3 days after the PM announced that bars and pubs would be forced to close indefinitely. 3 days after the realisation that we would not be able to bring all our staff through this epic clusterf%^k and out the other side. 3 days after our world ended.
But it’s not about us, is it? It’s about the community, the city, the country and the whole damn world. It’s about flattening that terrifying curve. It’s about doing our bit to save humanity. Who knew such a responsibility would ever fall on our shoulders?
We are luckier than some. While it’s true that our pub has closed it’s doors, we still have a shop, that is thus far still considered an “essential service” (God help us all if they take away our ability to decompress with a drink at the end of the day). That means we will be able to save some jobs. But it also means we’ve had to step up our measures to keep our staff and customers protected.
Here’s the skinny on the new procedures:
We hope you are all keeping safe out there, and we SINCERELY hope you are all washing your hands and practicing safe social distancing.
We also hope that you continue to choose to shop local, and keep local jobs going through this inevitable recession.
We’re facing a tough year ahead. But we are all in this together.