The Southend Wine Merchant is where all fun begins. We have competitive every-day prices on all the products you know and love, and can offer you some great advice on the ones you don’t. Our service is what sets us apart; our staff receive regular training in wine-appreciation, are familiar with all our core products, and are happy to make recommendations when you don’t quite know what you’re looking for.
At the helm of this great beast of a shop is our captain, Greg Hooper. He’s a Kiwi but don’t let that spoil anything. Greg has several mottos that he lives by;
There is nothing in the world that improves the experience of wine like a good cheese. We're renovating at the moment, but when we're done, we will have a special space dedicated to the love of cheese. Each Friday, we will guest-host a cheese providore to tempt you with all the creamy, bitey, sharp, smooth and smelly cheese you can handle. Stock up for your weekend shindig, or squirrel some away for your secret stash. Whatever you're doing, cheese is going to make it better.